Monday, July 17, 2017

Oracle - Installing Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12c

Installing Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12c

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12c is used to manager all aspects of an Oracle hardware/software environment. Here are my notes from the recent installation I performed.

Here's a link to the version requirements but the shortlist is:

  • Oracle Linux 6.5 or older (I actually installed on OL6.9)
  • Oracle Database 12.1.02 for embeded
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager 12.3.2
  • OCDoctor 4.67 or newer

Required Files:

Required YUM Prerequisites:

  • yum install xinetd expect tftp-server dhcp gettext perl-XML-Parser perl-libintl gcc httpd keyutils compat-libstdc++-33 elfutils-libelf-devel gcc-c++ libstdc++-devel sysstat ksh libaio-devel openssl098e.i686 compat-expat1.i686 libuuid.i686 audit-libs.i686 cracklib.i686 db4.i686 pam.i686 compat-libstdc++-33.i686 glibc zlib expat.i686 libxml2.i686 libaio.i686 libstdc++.i686 glibc-devel.i686 openssh-clients nfs-utils perl-CGI nano

Required System Changes:

  • Disable SELinux
    • vi /etc/selinux/config
    • change SELINUX=enforcing to SELINX=disabled
    • reboot
  • Set local hostname to match eth0 IP
    • vi /etc/hosts
    • add new line SERVERIP SERVERNAME SERVERNAME.DOMAIN.LOCAL (replace server IP and server name and domain as appropriate)
  • Copy both Oracle Database zip files to /var/tmp/downloads

Installation Process:

  • From the directory where you extracted the OCDoctor archive run:
    • ./ --ec-prereq (this will notify you of any missing dependencies to run the install)
    • once all prerequisites are met you can proceed to the installation of ops center
  • From the directory where you extracted the enterprise controller archive run:
    • cd xvmoc_full_bundle
    • ./install
    • Enter your Oracle registered e-mail address when prompted
    • Enter your My Oracle Support password when prompted
    • You should now start to see different items (1-21) stating [Completed] and a few that show [Not Completed] until it finishes.
  • Once everything has completed you should see this prompt or similar:

Virtualization - Oracle VM Manager 3.4.3 Upgrade

Upgrading to Oracle VM Manager 3.4.3

Backup Oracle VM Config File

Prerequisite Files:

Prior to upgrading the Oracle VM Manager make sure you backup the configuration.

  • cd /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/
  • mkdir /root/ovm3
  • cp .config /root/ovm3/.config-20170715

Install Oracle VM Manager via ISO

Copy the ISO you downloaded for Oracle VM Manager 3.4.3 to the Oracle VM Manager server using WinSCP or similar. You can copy the ISO anywhere, I typically use /var/opt. Once you've gotten the ISO copied you can mount it using a standard mount command. The installation is easy once you have the ISO mounted. Simply run the installer and follow the on screen prompts.
  • mount -o loop /var/opt/ovmm-3.4.3-installer-OracleLinux-b1511.iso /mnt/dvd
  • cd /mnt/dvd
  • ls -la
  • ./
For an Upgrade select option 2.

You will now be asked for the credentials for the install.

Next you will need to continue with the installation if your current version meets the minimum requirements.
The ovmmcli and ovmm services will be stopped so the admin console will be unavailable until the upgrade completes.

You should see something similar to this:
After that you should be able to go to https://serverip:7002/ovm/console/faces/login.jspx and log into your newly upgraded Oracle VM Manager 3.4.3.